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Scott Pruitt poster near Eastern Market, 2018.

Client: Friends of the Earth, 2017-2018

Project: "Fire Pruitt"

Scott Pruitt, Trump's former administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, was corrupt beyond belief, using his position for personal benefit and grossly abusing taxpayer money to fund a comically lavish lifestyle. He also opened the EPA's doors to corporate polluters, giving handouts to the fossil fuel industry at the expense of the environment and public health.​ Friends of the Earth's objective was to get Pruitt fired — pure and simple.


As art director, I developed the campaign branding, led creative brainstorms, and designed everything you see below. This was one of my favorite creative projects because I got to do a little bit of everything from social media graphics and poster prints to digital billboards and event photography. I even hired a local artist to create a wearable Scott Pruitt head for photo ops. One of our early successes and reasons why we stuck with the jarring red and blue branding was the parody real estate ad we posted all over Capitol Hill. At the time, Pruitt was engulfed in an ethics scandal involving a lavish condo he was renting from an energy lobbyist's wife for very cheap (more on that here if you're interested).

The design for the real estate ad was very intentional. A glaring red color to catch your attention, a terribly used outer glow on the "Call Now!" text that we've all seen before in low budget flyers, an image of Pruitt with him arms crossed (perfectly mimicking many real estate agents in ads), and a tear off phone number at the bottom that actually directed people to the EPA Office of Public Affairs. Another very intentional component to this campaign branding was that it was not branded! We agreed that adding the Friends of the Earth logo ruined the gag a bit and took away from the grassroots aesthetic.

The poster was a huge success. It was first tweeted out by reporters on their way to Capitol Hill in the early morning, and by the afternoon we already had a handful of press hits. Over the next few weeks the poster would be used as the visual alongside articles about Pruitt's corruption. We literally made Scott Pruitt the poster boy for corruption. 


Pruitt Wheatpaste 2.jpg

"Just Like Scott" parody real estate ad.

Social Good Winner Badge With Tail.png
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